Mothers Day #CheckThoseBreasts

21 April 2022

This Mother’s Day, help prevent Breast and Ovarian Cancer; for your Mum, sister, daughter and best friend.
Give the gift of life

This Mother’s Day, a genetic test can save the one’s you love most.

There are MORE breast cancer genetic risks than BRCA 1 and 2, BraOvo is a MORE comprehensive test. Testing for up to 12 genetic risk factors.

“Breast cancer affects 1 in 7 women and is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death in females”

“23% of women diagnosed with breast cancer are under 50 years of age”

Q. When is genetic testing important?
A. When your family depend on you.

There is now a new, more comprehensive genetic test, BraOvo that tests up to 12 genetic risk factors for breast and ovarian cancer. This breakthrough in testing is helping those at risk to get early treatment.

The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons representative to the Cancer Council Victoria, Dr Nicole Yap, has seen first-hand the benefits of this lifesaving test.

Dr Nicole Yap, encourages people with a family history of breast and ovarian cancer to consider taking the more comprehensive BraOvo Genetic Test.

“As with all Cancers, better diagnostic testing can mean early intervention, better treatment and better outcomes for patients and their families”

BraOvo genetic testing identifies the 12 most common genetic mutations- including BRCA 1 and 2, which increase the risk of developing breast and/or ovarian cancer in the individual’s lifetime. Most individuals with these mutations will develop breast cancer at a much younger age. 

Dr Nicole Yap is Melbourne based Specialist Breast surgeon and is the founder of Australian Breast Care Centre.

My not for profit foundation, the Australian Breast Care Centre‘s mission is to empower women to make informed decisions about their breast health. As founder of The Australian Breast Care Centre, I have devoted my life to saving women’s lives; I am also a representative of Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and Cancer Council Victoria. As a female surgeon, I am a minority in my field, with females representing only 12% of all surgeons in Australia and New Zealand.


For more information visit my foundation, The Australian Breast Care Centre, visit: